The TEXTCOURT project
The TEXTCOURT project
Linking the Textual Worlds of Chinese Court Theater, ca. 1600-1800’ is a research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) that will build the first digital archive of Chinese court drama scripts and related foreign records in order to remedy the lack of textual studies on Chinese court theatre. The project will produce the first textual studies of Chinese court drama, including a court drama textual database, a series of monographs and publications on extended text-based research topics, and an anthology of English translations for the general reader. Under the lead of Professor Tian Yuan Tan (Principal Investigator), the TEXTCOURT Project will use the digital archive to: trace internal links between scripts in the textual web of court drama; draw external links to individuals, occasions, and artefacts; and consider cross-cultural links to situate Chinese court drama in its global context.
This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 819953).