Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

You can visit our events page here for listings of recent and upcoming events. You can also sign up to receive news of upcoming events as it becomes available here



Events publicised on the website at the China Centre are open to the public unless otherwise noted.



A select collection of recorded events and other content is available through our youtube channel here.



The China Centre is not a faculty or school, and as such we do not run degree-granting courses. You can find out about the China-related degree programmes offered by the university here.



Associate status is open to all academic staff employed by the University of Oxford whose work engages China-related issues or topics, broadly understood. If you fit these criteria and would like to become an associate, please contact us at



DPhil students enrolled at the university can indeed become DPhil Associates. For further details about the application process, please see here.



If you would like to apply to become a visiting scholar at the China Centre, you can do so here. Please note, visiting scholar appointments are only available to those who have completed their graduate studies. If you are a graduate student wishing to visit from outside of Oxford, we would recommend applying through the relevant department at the university.



The China Centre’s academic associates hold a wide variety of views on a wide range of topics and issues, as is their prerogative. Their views are their own. The principal commitment of China Centre is to intellectual independence and academic freedom.



Yes, very much so! Whether you were a student of China studies, have experience living in, working in, or other involvement with China, or just have a general interest, we would love to hear from you. You can reach out to us at



Here are our contact details:

University of Oxford China Centre
Dickson Poon Building
Canterbury Road
Oxford Ox2 6LU

T: +44 (0) 1865 613 835